
Did you know that Mexico City has a 3,930 meter (12,893 feet) high mountain? The Ajusco is the capital’s highest point, and it is an excellent way to get acquainted with the alpine world, or a great peak in which to improve your acclimatization level.


The ascent takes between two and a half and three hours, with a vertical gain of 750 meters (2,460 feet). This trek is suitable for anyone with an average physical condition, for example, someone who does two hours of exercise per week. The terrain is technically simple.


Quick Info

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  • An Adult (18+) can supervise up to 8 children (6-15 years and over 1.2m).
  • Adults can supervise from the ground or up on the course.
  • 16-17 year olds do not need supervision.
  • Adults who are up for testing their limits in the great outdoors.


  • Minimum age: 10 years old
  • Maximum weight: 20.5 stone (130kg)
  • Designed for those over 13 years old and 7 stone/45kg
  • Minimum height: 1.4 metres (4ft 7")

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